An Ordinary Seal is a short film project directed by Antonio Deiana, Animation Supervisor at Milford.
A seal is about to have a good meal, nothing weird going on… except for an alien abduction.
But don’t worry, our friend knows how to deal with them!
An ordinary seal is a little story I had in my mind since 2009 but never had time to develop.
The idea came when I saw a documentary about how seal hunt for Penguins. Even if it had a serious tone, it was hilarious to see these two squishy animals, slide around in a goofy way and yet fight for their lives. I had to portray this in animation!
- Antonio Deiana, Director
Production Co:
Miguel Ivanov Agency
Milford Animation Studios
Adam Marko-Nord
This test was done in 2D to get a feel for the aniation style, before the concept went to 3D production.
Production Co:
Miguel Ivanov Agency
Milford Animation Studios
Adam Marko-Nord
The original design changed a lot from the first test made in 2009, I wanted to try something new, with a touch of claymation and 2D.
Production Co:
Miguel Ivanov Agency
Milford Animation Studios
Adam Marko-Nord
I wanted an exaggerated, cartoony style of animation normally found in 2D but to do it full CGI.
Production Co:
Miguel Ivanov Agency
Milford Animation Studios
Adam Marko-Nord
We spent time figuring out how to make icebergs interesting and looks realistic but in a miniature version. Also trying to make it feel welcoming and comfortable, not like an harsh environment.
Production Co:
Miguel Ivanov Agency
Milford Animation Studios
Adam Marko-Nord
The ufo interior was the most challenging part. We tried to make it look retro futuristic, but nothing too recogniziable or already seen in other media.
Milford Animation Studios
Written & Directed - Antonio Deiana
Creative Director - Adam Marko-Nord
Producer - Claudia Glod
Producer - Kalle Hammarberg
Executive Producer - Johan Gustafsson
CG Supervisor - John Roxenhed
Lead Animator - Antonio Deiana
Animator - Primus Hallin
Lead Lighter - Daniel Holmgren
Lighter - Laura Gerlier
Lighter - Linus Holm
Lighter - Laurie Pegorier
Compositor - Kalle Kohlström
Character Design - Antonio Deiana
Concept Art - Erik Nykvist
Matte Painting - Mailys Pitcher
Modeling & Surfacing - Mattias Lind
Modeling & Surfacing - Kenneth Nyman
Modeling & Surfacing - Nathalie Roy
Modeling & Surfacing - Gustav Tell
Fx Artist - Sebastian Ekman
Fx Artist - Niklas Grahn
Rigging - Primus Hallin
Rigging - Anton Stattin
Music & Sound Design - Hans Schumacher